About Julie

Theoretical Orientation and Training

I am a midlife career changer and curious lifelong learner. A gift of 2020 was time to deepen my studies of how we get stuck and how we get unstuck and how we change. I am convinced that “talk therapy” doesn’t result in lasting change.

Lasting change happens only after an experience - and not just any experience - but a novel experience - an experience that feels new, different and good. The feelings and experiences that we ward off and defend against hold the key to our healing.

In experiential therapy - I implicitly and explicity help you regulate and titrate and integrate and transform the “there and then” so you can live more fully and joyfully in the “here and now.”



  • Moment to moment tracking

  • Deliberate practice

  • Affect phobia

  • Anti Racism

    • Unlearning Racism

  • Teaching and consultation

Post Graduate


  • Extensive training in various experiential therapies including IFS and AEDP.

